To be in the catalog: Yes
KeyId: 68RE-VAKH
Name: Proyecto La formación profesional y las competencias del maestro rural como dinamizador de la dimensión territorial de la escuela rural
Name in English: Project The professional training and skills of the rural teacher as a catalyst for
Short description:
The main objective of the project we present is to propose a permanent training plan and proposals forinitial training to cover the skills needs of the new rural teachers and improve the teachers' current. During the execution of the project we will elaborate tools related to the permanent training of the rural teacher and the identification of their specific competences, which is in the interest of a better future selection of teachers, which gives response to the horizontal priority chosen.
Regarding the specific priorities of the school education area selected, we follow the same line of argument.Working on the design and initial training plan for rural teachers will reinforce their professional profile and at the same time improve the offer training on the specialization of rural teachers and consequently make their professional development more attractive. Also, with the project will identify good practices related to the competences and knowledge generated in the rural school, which they are related to their immediate environment, their territorial dimension (social, natural, administrative, etc.), and we will put them to the available to all interested teachers, which in turn will facilitate the acquisition of new skills and abilities to create alternative learning scenarios.
Not applicable
Type of activities:
Research initiatives
Target population:
Currently active: Yes
Involved languages:
Skills acquisition:
Efficiency to gain these skills:
Contact 1:
University of Zaragoza
certification_openbadges: Certification/OpenBadge
manualelectronic: Manual