To be in the catalog: Yes
Name: REVALPET: Upgrading Of Opaque Pet into Innovative Materials
Name in English: REVALPET: Upgrading Of Opaque Pet into Innovative Materials
Short description:
Recently new plastic bottles for milk have appeared on the market. Once
used, its combination with the waste originating from plastic water bottles is problematic as the resulting material is not recyclable. The presence of these new bottles constitutes an important threat to the recycling sector, which is a sector very much represented in the POCTEFA zone. In fact, the territo- rial representatives of the recycling sector have already confirmed a loss of value in this product. The maintenance and reinforcement of this sector in the POCTEFA zone only occurs through the creation of new opportunities for these products. The strategy of regional intelligent specialization (RIS) of the POCTEFA zone will allow us to confront this challenge through the REVALPET project.
Type of activities:
Research initiatives
Target population:
Currently active: Yes
Involved languages:
Skills acquisition:
Learning / Intercultural sensitivity / Communication
Efficiency to gain these skills:
Contact 1: International R&D Office UPV/EHU
Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
Academic partners:
Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
certification_openbadges: Certification/OpenBadge
manualelectronic: Manual