To be in the catalog: Yes
Name: Master Erasmus Mundus in Georesources engineering - EMERALD
Name in English: Master Erasmus Mundus in Georesources engineering - EMERALD
Short description:
Concerned universities: University of Liège, Université de Lorraine

EMerald is a two-year master program (120 ECTS) taught in English organized by four European Universities ( University of Liège - ULiège, Université de Lorraine - UL, Lulea University of Technology - LTU and Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg - TUBAF) designed to focus on the following major aspects of Resources Engineering : Characterisation, Processing, Modelling and Management. It is organised in 4 semesters (30 ECTS per semester): the first semester is in Liège, the second semester in Nancy, the third semester in Lulea or in TUBAF and the fourth semester in one of the four partner-Universities.

The master course aims at finding the right balance between knowledge of resources (geology, landfills, urban mines, reserve characterization and modelling) and process engineering techniques (comminution, sorting, preconcentration, extractive metallurgy, waste disposal, …).
Type of activities:
Education / Training/ Cross-border curriculum
Pedagogical format:
Multiple degree (double-diploma, triple-diploma)
Degree; ECTS credits or equivalent
Target population:
Postgraduate students - Master
Currently active: Yes
Involved languages:
Skills acquisition:
Vocational; Cultural; Linguistic
Efficiency to gain these skills:
Contact 1:
Contact 2:
Central Office of UniGR
Villa Europa
Kohlweg 7
D-66123 Saarbrücken

+49 (0) 681 301 40802
Université de la Grande Région
Academic partners:
University of Liège; Université de Lorraine
certification_openbadges: Certification/OpenBadge
manualelectronic: Manual