Enrolment options

To be in the catalog: Yes
Name: European Masters Program Language and Communication Technologies
Name in English: European Masters Program Language Communication Technologies
Short description:
The Erasmus Mundus European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies (LCT) is designed to meet the demands of industry and research in a rapidly growing area. It offers education and training opportunities for the next generations of leaders in research and innovation. It provides students with profound knowledge and insight into the various disciplines that contribute to the methods of language and communication technologies and it strengthens their ability to work according to scientific methods. Moreover, the students acquire practice-oriented knowledge by choosing appropriate combinations of modules in Language Technology, Computational and Theoretical Linguistics, and Computer Science.
The LCT program involves studying one year each at two different European universities of the consortium. After completing all study requirements, the student will obtain two Master of Science/Arts degrees approved in the respective countries of issue.
Type of activities:
Education / Training/ Cross-border curriculum
Pedagogical format:
Multiple degree (double-diploma, triple-diploma)
Target population:
Postgraduate students - Master
Currently active: Yes
Involved languages:
Skills acquisition:
Behavioral; Vocational; Cultural
Efficiency to gain these skills:
Difficult to evaluate
Contact 1:
University of Saarlandes
Academic partners:
Saarland University
certification_openbadges: Certification/OpenBadge
manualelectronic: Manual
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