To be in the catalog: Yes
KeyId: 5648
Name: Double diplôme-Licence mathématiques, parcours mathématiques / Grado en matemáticas
Name in English: Double degree-Bachelor in mathematics
Short description:
Students from UPPA (Pau) can go to the UPV/EHU during the 2nd or third year of their Bachelor, or during the 1st year of master in order to obtain the double degree. students from UPV/EHU (Bilbao) can go to UPPA during the 2nd or third year in order to obtain the double degree. They have to stay at least one semester.
Type of activities:
Education; Training; Cross-border curriculum
Pedagogical format:
Multiple degree (double-diploma, triple-diploma)
Target population:
Undergraduate students (Degree, Bachelor, Grado, etc.)
Currently active: Yes
Involved languages:
Spanish; French
Skills acquisition:
Vocational; Cultural; Linguistic
Efficiency to gain these skills:
Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Academic partners:
Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
certification_openbadges: Certification/OpenBadge
manualelectronic: Manual