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To be in the catalog: Yes
KeyId: BSB3-L53K
Name: PIRAGUA: Evaluation of the water resources of the Pyrenees in a context of climate change, and adaptation measures with impact in the territory
Name in English: PIRAGUA: Evaluation of the water resources of the Pyrenees in a context of climate change, and adaptation measures with impact in the territory
Short description:
Backed by a mountain range that extends from the Atlantic to the Mediter-
ranean (the Pyrenees) the territory of the EFA program is particularly vulner- able to climate change. This cross-border territory feeds the run-offs and refill zones of the main watershed basins and aquifers in the region, built as the main source of water resources of the territory POCTEFA. PIRAGUA deals with the characterization of the hydrological cycle in the Pyrenees to improve the adaptability of the territories to the challenges imposed by climate change and to support investment aimed at adapting to climate change in the man- agement of water resources. PIRAGUA is aligned with the strategy of cross- border cooperation of the Pyrennean Observatory of climate change (OPCC).

Not applicable
Type of activities:
Research initiatives;Partnerships with actors outside of the university (companies, public institutions, non-profit organizations, professional associations, etc.);Financial support;Other
Target population:
Undergraduate Students (Degree, Bachelor, Grado, etc.);Postgraduate students - Master;Postgraduate students - Ph.D.;Teachers/Lecturers;Researchers
Partnerships with outside actors:
Pyrennean Observatory of climate change (OPCC)
Currently active: Yes
Involved languages:
Skills acquisition:
Adapting / Learning / Intercultural sensitivity / Communication
Efficiency to gain these skills:
Difficult to evaluate
Contact 1:
Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
certification_openbadges: Certification/OpenBadge
manualelectronic: Manual
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