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To be in the catalog: Yes
KeyId: 6ZWN-73FG
Name: Convenio de aplicación entre la Universidad de Zaragoza y l'Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour para la puesta en marcha de una cooperación científica en geografía y estudios lingüísticos y literarios
Name in English: Application agreement between the University of Zaragoza and the Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour for the implementation of a scientific cooperation in geography and linguistic and literary studies
Short description:
It is a scientific development cooperation agreement between the Passages laboratory (UMR5319) and the T3AxEL research group. Joint research works will be carried out in relation to the study of literary texts that show the geographical imaginary, as well as linguistic studies. One of its purposes is to carry out cross-border conferences and congresses.
Type of activities:
Research initiatives;Financial support
Target population:
Currently active: Yes
Involved languages:
Skills acquisition:
Efficiency to gain these skills:
Contact 1:
University of Zaragoza
Academic partners:
certification_openbadges: Certification/OpenBadge
manualelectronic: Manual
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