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KeyId: K4N9-UJLB
Name: Master Droits européens, spécialité Droit comparé, parcours Eucor - LL.M. Eucor Masterstudiengang - Master of Law Rechtswissenschaft Eucor
Name in English: Master in European Law, specialty in Comparative Law, Eucor course - LL.M. Eucor Masterstudiengang - Master of Law Rechtswissenschaft Eucor
Short description:
This master, offered as part of Eucor - The European Campus, aims to promote the mobility of law students and provide them with integrated European training, allowing them to enroll in a trinational course . Students are thus awarded three national degrees: the Master of Law from the University of Basel, the LL.M from the Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg in Breisgau and the Master 2 in Law from the University of Strasbourg . This course is not specialized as such, but on the contrary offers interested students the opportunity to continue or deepen their specialization within the framework of the three universities by choosing the courses themselves. they want to follow. Each university determines the eligible courses for the students of the master proposed within the framework of Eucor - The European Campus. These follow their teachings in the three universities.

Type of activities:
Education / Training/ Cross-border curriculum
Pedagogical format:
Multiple degree (double-diploma, triple-diploma)
Degree;ECTS credits or equivalent
Target population:
Postgraduate students - Master
Currently active: Yes
Involved languages:
Skills acquisition:
Efficiency to gain these skills:
Difficult to evaluate
Eucor - The European Campus
Academic partners:
Universität Basel; Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg; Université de Strasbourg
certification_openbadges: Certification/OpenBadge
manualelectronic: Manual
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